September 09, 2024

Serving Others Is Enjoyable!

We were so excited that we had a chance to do some service this last weekend. Our congregation was doing service out in rural Virginia at a farm. The farm produces food to supplement the food given to food banks around the area. 
At first the Muggles were tired and wanted to sleep in on the Saturday. However, once they were at the farm they had so much fun and did not want to leave. We were the last to drive off and if it had not been for other things that we needed to do and the cold rain, they would have stayed longer. 

We harvested peppers. I was the basket carrier while they picked. Each new pepper came with a story and an amazement at what was produced. 

I think over the few hours we were there these two filled 5 baskets full of peppers!

They were so happy with their efforts and both of them asked if we could come back on another weekend to do it again. It was a great opportunity to talk with them about service and how serving others can be fun! It does not always have to feel like a big sacrifice. 

 I am glad that we all woke and up and decided to go. It has been a highlight of our time back in the States. It also made us all miss our yard and garden...someday we will have that again. 

Loving Being Home

We have loved being here in Washington, DC. It is a place that we all love it here. WE have some amazing friends and of course there are amazing places to visit and to see. All of us have spent as much time outside as we possibly can! 

Thankfully, the area around DC has done so well with urban planning. There are parks and forests in almost all neighborhoods. We have chosen one after another to find the our favorite spots. These two Muggles could throw rocks in the creek all day long! 

The two of them are loving school so far! We are thankful for good friends and being in an area that understands our nomadic lifestyle. 

Lady Hiva has loved exploring all of the stores with Halloween decor! I, on the other hand, have loved that we have some stores this last weekend putting up Christmas trees!! WOO HOO!

The hats are on the least some of them!

The Muggles were so excited on one of our walks that this tree was growing "mei" (breadfruit). I had to explain to them that although it looked like mei it was not. My little Polynesians were sad about that. 

Lady Hiva was so happy that there was an L&L nearby. She was so happy to go and eat "real meat." 

We had to laugh that we could find Indian items in stores here. They even sold the pani puri puffs in Costco. Lucky Dragon liked that Wal-mart sold a brand of crackers his friend's family owns! 

Fresh fruit and vegetables. I love that my two little Muggles will eat any fruit of vegetable raw. They love the fresh apples and peaches. Both of them came home from school and were so confused why the lunch people "cooked the green beans!" *gasp of horror* The three of us always eat them raw. 

While the two of them throw rocks, I bring a book to read. 

We were lucky enough to take a tour of the Capitol Building. These two loved seeing the statues for Utah and Hawaii. (Each State has two). Utah only has one statue right now-Brigham Young.  The other one has always been Philo T Farnsworth--the inventor of television. He was born in Beaver, UT. There was an identical statue of him in the park in Beaver. However, for YEARS Idaho has fought for him because he lived his adult life in Idaho. They must have won because Utah removed the statue and will replace it with a female leader. 

We also took a tour around the National Mall with Beau-D and some of this work colleagues that were here in a tour. It was fun to see the monuments again. Such a beautiful place. 

The Library of Congress is one of my favorite places in Washington, DC. Always has been. 

It was cool that we were able to go out on the "Speaker's Balcony." This balcony is part of the suite of offices for the Speaker of the House. It is locked and off limits when the Speaker is in office. So we were lucky to be there on a day that it was open. This overlooks the National Mall and is above the place where the Presidents of the United States take their oath of office. 

Father Damien, one of the two Hawaii statues. He dedicated his life to helping the exiles who had leprose. 

The old Supreme Court. It is so dark in there...they must have all been blind trying to read documents. 

The second Hawaiian Statue is the Great Unifier, King Kamehameha I. He is always such an inspiring statue to see. 

Beau's guys contemplating the many people who died during the Vietnam war. 

Riding motorized scooters around the National Mall. 

They wanted to make smores, so we roasted some in the BBQ at the hotel! Very American tradition in a NOT traditional way! 

It has been great to be back. We have to stop ourselves from buying ALL the products in the stores! We have to remember that not only will it be there when we need it, we have 5 stores nearby that we can choose from!