January 19, 2023

Historical Blue Synagogue


Lady Hiva and I had a day off so we went on a tour to one of the old synagogues in Mumbai. It was built n 1884 and renovated in 2019. When they renovated it, they went back in historical records and into the walls to restore the building to its original state and colors. It is a beautiful building. 

We were greeted by the leader of the community for the synagogue and were able to hear about the history of Jews in India. There are three major groups of Jews that have come into India and over the years the population of Jews has fluctuated. It was special to hear him talking about his love for the community and his faith. 

There are two empty chairs for the Prophet Elijah. They are used for sacred events in the lives of those who worship here. 

We were also able to see the prayer scrolls that are used for services. It was amazing to experience it all.