Showing posts with label Great Falls Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Falls Park. Show all posts

May 08, 2022

Enjoying As Much Nature As Possible!


We know that moving to Mumbai there will be limited nature, so we are trying to get as much nature as possible in our last few days in the United States. 

That started out the Washington, DC temple for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints located in Kensington, Maryland. It is a temple that Lady Hiva and I have enjoyed for years and it was a chance for the kids to go inside. They opened up the temple for tours to the public for several months after a long renovation of the building. 

I loved going through the temple and talking to the kids about the way each room was designed to worship Jesus Christ and renew our discipleship in some way. 

These two Muggles said goodbye to friends and ended their school journey in Washington, DC. They both LOVED the schools here. It is sad that they have to leave. Their teachers were amazing and they both had friends from school that they both loved. 

We made a trip to Great Falls in Great Falls! It was so amazing to see the way the Potomac flows. The Falls are not as big as Niagara (of course) but they are still powerful and beautiful! 

Do you see the people down there on kayaks? It was great to watch them navigate down the falls.