This year was another year of change...but what year isn't? It normalized a bit from the pandemic. Lucky Dragon and Koala Bear could go to school and without a mask! Both Lady Hiva and I worked in office! We have enjoyed the year. Below are some of the highlights. Others are covered in the blog!
- Lady Hiva started working full-time. This was a requirement for her graduation for a Master's degree. It was fun to see her get into the lab and enjoy the work that she is doing.
- We celebrated Koala Bear's birthday.
- We found out that some family members were going to Walt Disney World this month. We needed to use the tickets I had bought last year, but was unable to use because of COVID shut-downs. So we invited ourselves to join them! Within a few days we had booked our tickets, bought airfare, and found a hotel. We were off to WDW! It was so much fun! The crowds were controlled so we had a great time.
- While we were down there, we decided to also get our Harry Potter fix and went to Universal! It was nice to get out and travel again!
- We celebrated Lady Hiva's birthday.
- We tried to get out and explore more now that it is getting warmer.
- We celebrated Easter with family and had several version of parties.
- We welcomed 2 new members of the family--Snowfluff and Graham Cracker. The kids wanted a dog, but we told them that they needed to show us they can care for rabbits first.
- Dustin was released from the bishopric at Church and Lady Hiva was called to be the Primary President.
- Koala Bear graduated from Montessori Preschool. She wanted a stuffed animal we provided!~
- Lucky Dragon finished his second year of French Immersion.
- Dustin went to Washington, DC to take the Foreign Service exam/interview again. And passed! So the wait again starts (trying several different ways to get back to the State Department).
- Grandpa Harrison passed away in DC.
- Celebrated Lucky Dragon's birthday!
- Enjoyed 4th of July and 24th of July in Utah! Mostly back to normal from COVID shutdowns.
- Had a Tu'ifua Reunion with the family in Utah. It was fun to engage with cousins again.
- Lucky Dragon chose to be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was a special day. We love being able to highlight this guy.
- Dustin's birthday!
- Lady Hiva finished her job. To stay home with the kids more.
- Dustin finished his career at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and started working at the Vice President of Human Resources at Loveland Living Planet Aquarium.
- Surprise! We went back to Walt Disney World. This time Papa, Pluba and Beau-D and Kalani's family joined us for part of it.
- Dustin speaks at SHRM conference.
- Dustin and Lady Hiva dressed up for a gala at the Aquarium. It was fun to wear dress clothes again.
- We did all things Halloween--Cornbelly's, Scarecrow Festival, Hay rides, corn mazes.
- Dustin and Lady Hiva planned and painted some Halloween murals for the congregation party.
- Dustin was offered two different positions with Department of State starting in JAN 2022! Yikes! Such an odd timing (just started a new job that I was enjoying). But we decided to take it and to start the moving process.
- Celebrated Thanksgiving in Hawaii again. This was 1 year anniversary since Lady Hiva's dad passed away. We were there with cousins and were able to get quite a bit done to help Lady Hiva's mum around the house.
- Sold Raven and Snowball. Bought a new vehicle, Pele.
- We put the house on the market and it sold after 6 showings and 2 days.
- We moved out of the house and lived in a hotel.
- Lucky Dragon and Koala bear finished their last day of schools in Utah with the holiday break.
- Dustin taught his last semester at Ensign College.
- Drove across country for the move to DC.
- Lucky us...went to Walt Disney World again!~