Showing posts with label Graduation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graduation. Show all posts

June 10, 2021

#Extra Leis


Graduation season is an amazing time to have a celebration. One of those things that we do to celebrate is to give leis. Traditionally they are made of flowers, but the lack of great flowers and the evolution of leis has made it permissible for anything. Candy is a common choice 

Lady Hiva and I wanted to honor several of the youth that we love both family and in our ward. It all started with leis for seminary graduation for the seniors in our ward. We did not think again so we made leis out of anything in our pantry. The were given popcorn leis and granola bars! HAHA

The next few days I did some planning because I wanted the leis to have a great impact. So I came up with the idea of doing "College Essentials" Leis. I made leis out of everything that they may need for college. There was soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, gum, chapstick, chips, ramen noodles, toilet paper, name it. I, of course, had candy leis too.  I had fun putting them together. When Lady Hiva came home from work and saw what I was doing she told me those we "junk"--yeah, still a bit bitter by that statement. But I was able to still do was crazy and fun and EXTRA!! But I loved it. (Maybe everyone else thought it was junk too...but oh well). 

The trunk was FULL of stuff that I bought for all the leis. 

The photo above went viral on tic toc with the message that we have cereal and toilet paper leis. I had a sense of satisfaction when I could show Lady Hiva my "junk" leis went viral!! 

So proud she defied her BYU loving parents and is going to the U of U!!! 

If you cannot move your arms under all the have aunties to give you water. HAHA