Showing posts with label Dresden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dresden. Show all posts

June 26, 2018

Dresden: Rebuilding a Beautiful Past

Dresden is just over the border into Germany. We liked the city last time we were there so decided to make it a stopping point as we wind our way back to Frankfurt to fly out. It is such a beautiful city to explore.

It was decimated during WWII so the last few decades there have been people from all over the world giving money to help restore the beauty of the past. One of those places is the iconic Frauenkirche. It sits on a square surrounded by shops and apartments. We were able to get an apartment that overlooked the square and provided a spectacular view of the Church. It was fun to arrive in the middle of a city celebration for families. We could hear the singing from our windows and cheer on the youth symphony. It was amazing to go down and pretend that we are part of the local crowd. Today it is a symbol of many faiths and people coming together to rebuild in unity and love.
The view from our apartment at the Frauenkirche

You can see where they rebuilt after the war

The large city family celebration in the square

Inside the Frauenkirche

We went on a self-guided walking tour of the city that included the walk along the river and an upscale grocery store (with a cashier that sounded and had the same temperament as Oaken from the movie FROZEN). As we came out of the store we saw there was a small set of plaques on the ground. I stopped to read them. They marked the place where a Jewish family had once lived and where they died. The entire family were murdered in concentration camps. So solemn and somber.

We walked passed the opera house, the palace they are refurbishing and into the Zwinger. The Zwinger is another once a fort turned palace. We were there around dusk and had the gardens almost to ourselves. It was fun to walk them, look at the ornate statues and hear the bells chime with each quarter hour.
Entrance to Zwinger

Zwinger at night

The Roman Catholic Cathedral attached to the palace

The history if Kings and Rulers in this area of Germany

Overlooking the river from the city wall

Zwinger clock and bells

The Opera and theater

Lucky Dragon's photo skills again

Dresden Opera

As we walked around I decided I must look really look like a German local because I had four different people come up and ask me for directions in fluent rapid German. When I would respond in English that I did not understand them they all had a look of utter shock! haha

It is truly wonderful to see the way they are rebuilding the past glory of the city after so much devastation. seeing the work still happening is a stark reminder that the war was not so long ago.