Showing posts with label COUNTING CANDLES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COUNTING CANDLES. Show all posts

May 07, 2015

You Make A Difference

 After a long period of waiting and going through the process of separation from the Foreign Service (which is still not completed and is really arduous) it was finally time to say goodbye. We had packed up all our things, gone to lunch and dinner with friends nearly every night (which worked out well considering we had nothing left in our house) and said goodbyes to the amazing people we grew to love at work.

Over the last year I have kept a large colorful bowl in my office filled with candy to entice people in. On it I taped a sign that read, “YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE” which is the main idea behind my latest book, COUNTING CANDLES. No matter what your position in life, your struggles, your strengths or you ideas, you need to realize that you make a difference. Sometimes a big difference and sometimes it may be small, but because you exist, there are people that make a difference. It was fun to see people come in and take a piece of candy and either ask me if they made a difference or would tell themselves out loud that “yes, I make a difference.” I had to laugh as they did that. I am not sure if they really were giving themselves a pep talk, or just justifying the extra sugar, either way, I am glad the message was sinking in.

As we left Istanbul, those people we work with made sure that we felt like we made a difference. They came to give us hugs, would find us in the halls to tell us they will miss us or ask about our future plans. Hello and Goodbye are two phrases heard often with the transient nature of the Foreign Service. However it is not often that the goodbyes are because someone is completely leaving the Foreign Service. On the last work day in the city they planned a huge BBQ on our behalf and provided a way for us all to say goodbye. Thank goodness for social media so we can all stay in touch.

I made sure to give all of my staff a big hug and talk to each of them personally. As I walked out of the office at the end of the day they all lined the corridor and waved goodbye as I walked out. I can say, shamelessly, that by the time I hit the end of the row I was choking back tears and good only wave. I didn’t trust my voice if I started to speak. (Yes, I am emotional…many of you know this about me).

We will miss all of our friends we made in Istanbul. We will miss fresh fruit, beautiful views, limonata, bakeries, döner, baklava, and simit. Istanbul is a fascinating and busy city that we grew to love and appreciate. So off we go to our next adventure! Who knows where life will lead…stay posted.

January 19, 2015


Dustin Bradshaw Interview for COUNTING CANDLES with THE GOOD WORD

As a natural extrovert I am not one to shy away from attention (often to Lady Hiva’s embarrassment) and media interviews usually give me that “high.” Lately, I did my first media interview over the internet. Interacting on TV or Radio with someone sitting in front of you both have their quirks to get used to—

With TV you have SO much makeup on and the lighting in your face is hot and you have to ignore the HUGE cameras in your face. With radio you have to get used to talking to an audience that you have to imagine and interact with them. I had neither of those for this interview with THE GOOD WORD podcast about COUNTING CANDLES. The host Nick Galieti was fun to really talk with.

I must admit though that it is weird to hear my own voice though…

Let me know what you think! 

September 22, 2014

COUNTING CANDLES Nominated for a Whitney Award

 Photo: Dustin Bradshaw look what came into our pharmacy in Santaquin
One enjoyable aspect of being a writer is hearing comments from readers. I continue to receive emails, texts and comments about WHITE LILES IN AUTUMN and COUNTING CANDLES. There are a few book clubs that chose COUNTING CANDLES as their book to read and a friend sent a photo of COUNTING CANDLES on the bookshelf of the store where he works!

This week I was in a business meeting and one of my staff was trying to explain something and she said, “You know, just like Shamanda…” She had picked out on the characters from COUNTING CANDLES that she related to and used that as an explanation for her point. Now that is internalizing the book. I had not realized she even read the book!

Other comments lately include one reader’s note, “…I loved the story and message. Seems we all go through life never knowing whether the things we do and say have any effect on others. Too bad we don't think to let others know when they touch our lives for good instead of waiting until they are gone to express our appreciation. Your book has helped me realize I need to be better at letting others know when they touch my life for good.”

The biggest news of the past month is that COUNTING CANDLES was nominated for a 2014 Whitney Literary Award! The results will not be released until early 2015, but it is an honor to even be counted among the other books nominated! 
As always, thank you so much for the continued support and if you have comments about the book, I would love to hear from you.

June 20, 2014

Most Recent Reviews of COUNTING CANDLES

It has been fun to see there are several people reading COUNTING CANDLES. There are more reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. But I also am seeing more reviews on book review blogs. I found several while looking tonight and I think that Lady Hiva was getting sick of me finding ‘just one more’ and wanting to read it out loud to her! HAHA

But in all honesty, it is great as a writer to see that the words you put out there for people to judge are making an impact. That is the root of writing—to express something in a way that changes or impacts somebody. The last few weeks have been full of emails, texts, comments and tweets about COUNTING CANDLES and it is exciting for me to see that.

I was telling someone the other day that the characters have become my friends and I find it fun to talk with people who have read the book and hear that they too have become part of the character’s lives. You can see that same effect in these reviews. Some of the reviewers talk about specific characters that touch them.

So if you have read it, I would love to hear which characters have touched you! I have linked several of the reviews here so you can all see them.