October 26, 2021

Halloween Carnival!

 This past weekend we had a congregation Halloween celebration. Lady Hiva and her presidency were in charge of the event so we have all been preparing for the last few weeks. That included painting some murals. She painted some and I painted some. We used these as backdrops for the event. 

The final effect was AMAZING! 

We had plenty of people willing to pitch in and show their talents. We had good food and amazing activities. After everyone ate, each group had a game for the children to play (sadly, I was so busy I did not get photos of all those rooms. There was a Harry Potter room where they played a version of plinko/pong, used chopsticks to pick up "dragon eggs" (skittles), and had to keep a balloon afloat with a wand. Other rooms included nerf gun shooting ghost balloons like Ghostbusters, walking the plank of sharks, cornhole and many others. 

After the games, we went outside in the parking lot for a trunk-or-treat. 

It was a great day! Everyone left full...and the kids were all hopped up on candy! LOTS and LOTS of candy. I am glad we had the experience! Lady Hiva may make me a fan of Halloween yet! 

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