March 27, 2023

Parade of Nations

Recently, the two Muggles were invited to be part of a Festival of Nations.  It was an amazing experience to meet expats here in India representing their home countries. There were several booths set up that had games, information, and food from the nation they represent. Then children were invited to choose what country they wanted to represent in a Parade of Nations. I was hoping that they would choose Tonga to represent a country that is under-represented (there were A LOT of kids that chose USA). But these two wanted to be "American!" There were so excited to choose their outfits. Lucky Dragon knew he wanted to wear a "Go Utes hat and a Beau's Auto Part Shirt." I guess to him that is what it means to be American! 

Lady Hiva wore red, white and blue. I wore a baseball cap and my old high school baseball jersey. It was fun to represent America for the evening! 

There were so many countries represented. It was fun to see people dressed in their traditional clothes, or at least clothes that reminded them of home. 

My two Americans waiting for their turn to cross the stage!

The food was delicious! It was so well done. We all loved going around from booth to booth and trying the different foods they had to offer from around the world. I liked seeing people's eyes light up when they saw us experience their food for the first time and enjoy it. What a blessing to be around so many people that represent so many cultures. There truly are good and beautiful people wherever we go! 


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