March 23, 2022

Celebrating Lady Hiva In Orlando: Magic Kingdom!


It was fun to be at Magic Kingdom for a day and a half! We were there for Lady Hiva's birthday. I bought a bight pink sash that had flashing lights and rea "Birthday Girl" (because EXTRA, right?!) for Lady Hiva to wear--she was a good sport for the first 30 minutes...but then took it off. HAHA. 

I was so excited to join them after work on Friday. All of the pictures had me so jealous. Then when I got to the check in booth, they told me my flight had been cancelled!! YIKES! I ended up having to reschedule an early morning flight from a nearby airport. That was so sad. I wanted to be in Orlando for Lady Hiva's birthday. As I was walking out of the airport I looked up and saw that there was one more late flight going to Tampa. I went back--waited in the line again--and was able to get a flight to Tampa. I changed my rental car from Orland to Tampa and I was on my way. (It was a bit tricky because I renewed my drivers license and only had the paper "temporary" license. It took three different managers to get them to approve it. Annoying. But I finally made it! 

We were able to ride all of our favorite rides and some of them a few times! 

We saw a baby Florida ring neck snake trying to escape, but having a hard time. So we found a bush to put him into. (Might be  quite a surprise for a guest sometime in the future!)

We, of course, ran into some friends! These are great people that we lived near at BYUH! It was so fun to catch up! 

It was such a great experience. We all had fun. We were just worried that as we got into the air plane and all settled, they electrical went out. A few minutes later they announced that we could not take that plane because it "fried the motherboard." Scary! Glad that did not happen while we were flying! We were kicked off and after another hour they put us on another flight. So just like my flight down. We did eventually arrive, just not at the expected time! 

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