March 01, 2022

Family + Beach = Perfect Satisfaction

With the assignment to India and the subsequent quick move, we knew we needed to get some things done--including renewing our driver's licenses. As you have to be in-person to get your driver's license, we decided a quick trip to Hawaii was necessary...such a burden :) haha. 

Again, we are always thankful for the resilience of our two Muggles when we travel long distances (thankfully, because their life is going to be full of it going forward). When we landed in Hawaii it was evident that we have missed greenery during the winter. As Lady Hiva got food, I took the kids for a walk and one found all the flowers to be seen and the other laid down in the small patch of grass near the petrol station declaring "GRASSS!!!" and started to roll around! It looked so fun, her brother joined in. :) 

It was amazing that we went to the beach as much as possible. This trip was even more amazing because Lady Hiva even made it to the beach with us several days! Usually she stays home to care for family when we go so we were so excited to have her join us! 

As I was on the beach there were several moments when I just listened to the laughter of my people, heard the waves lolling in a regular pattern, and felt the warm embrace of the sun, I thought how this is perfection. A moment of time that you cherish forever. A time when we are all at peace with ourselves, with each other, with nature, with life. 

Lucky Dragon always has a pocket full of trinkets that he collects throughout the day. Every night when I do laundry I have to check his pockets. We find all kinds of things--rocks, flowers, bits of metal, tools, old name it. I thought it was funny he had made a small next to protect his things while he was at the beach! 

In our quick departure and being in the middle of winter, we forgot to pack her swimming suit. She did not let that stop her. She would stay in the water as long as we would let her. Often begging to come back as soon as we left! (Girl after my own heart). 

One of the best things about Hawaii is being with cousins. Lucky Dragon and Koala Bear are outside the entire time. It is non-stop exploration and fun! 

There is always time for books. Because we were traveling, I was thankful there were books on kindle that I could read with the children. They kept asking to read more and more. I cannot describe how happy it makes my heart to hear or see that my children love to read books. I hope that they will always love that. 
One day we took some time to explore more of the North Shore area. We drove down roads we usually do not go down and saw sights hidden off the main tourist areas. One of them was a small cemetery in Kahuku that neither Lady Hiva nor I knew was there. It was so cool to walk around and talk about the history of Hawaii and how this cemetery was full of people from different countries that we here and forced to work on the plantation fields. Any time that we can have a conversation with our children about equality and treating others with respect is one we want to take. Acknowledging wrongs of history hopefully will help future generations strive to not repeat those mistakes. 

We just finished reading about Abraham in our family "Come Follow Me" scripture study. It is mind boggling to see how many particles of sand there are in just one handful of sand and to think about the promise made to Abraham about his children being numbered as many of the "sands of the sea."

Lucky Dragon having the family play a game that he created himself. 

We had not planned to come, and therefore did not tell anyone we were coming. But we were happy that the week we could make it coincided with a family reunion. As soon as people knew we were there, we were "volunteered" to run the games during the event. We were happy to be involved. So off we went to get some supplies! 

Practicing Soke so we could do the dance as a family for the reunion. So many laughs and fun times just practicing! 

The reunion was fun! It was constant moving and eating. We had so much fun spending time with family. I loved that the kids were playing with cousins from around the country all day. We played games, we laughed, we told stories. All the things a reunion should be. 

It was so hard to drive away from the Reunion (we had to make it back to work and school) when we knew that there was more happening. Such great people that we have so much love for. 

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