June 10, 2021

Summer Officially Begins!


The last few weeks have been really busy as summer as officially arrived. Lucky Dragon finished his classes and second year of French immersion. His French teacher is moving back to Paris and we were able to go and have a goodbye party. It is sad to see her go. She was a great educator and Lucky Dragon learned so much. His understanding of French is improving every day. We are so proud of him and his growth. 

The last few days of school are fun and were coinciding with celebrations and fun activities. One of those was his "Dance Party" at school. It was so much fun to see him get into the dance routine and then perform it for the parents. 

We have spent plenty of time outside. It has been hot, but amazing. We have been to local lakes and ponds and found time to put up splash pads and pools in back yards. These are the memories that summer brings. Fun, laughter, friends and cousins! 

Summer also means the rabbits are having more time outside and the flowers are growing around the house as well. Both Lady Hiva and I find so much joy in seeing the plants flourish and thrive!

Koala Bear has been reading lately. She is getting so good at it too. She was so excited to read a few books to Grandma Ginger as we sat on the back deck enjoying the warm summer evening. Lady Hiva bought some BOB books from Costco--the preschool set and the Kindergarten to 1st grade set. She does so well working through them! And she has another year before she can go to Kindergarten!

Lucky Dragon wanted to serve Grandma Ginger too. So he dressed up like a "waiter" and made a menu for her to order. He then sent her off with a collection of mismatched food items that were fit for a school snack as her "dinner." It is good that she is a good sport. 

June also brings some fun in Eagle Mountain and Saratoga Springs with the city celebrations. I loved taking the kids to enjoy the rides. You can see Lucky Dragon on the spinning ride below. Koala Bear was angry they told her she was too small to ride! 

Look at her face in the photo below...she was SO excited to tell her brother that she got the "pirate" airplane and knew he was be excited too!

So far the summer has been amazing! We cannot wait for more to come!

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