November 27, 2023

Catching Up As A Family

The last several months have been really crazy. We have all been in different countries. Thankfully we have technology that allows us to be still involved in each other's lives! Lady Hiva was in the United States since the end of May. We were able to see her in July when we went to visit. Then the two Muggles and I came back to India while she had several more months of training. 

We counted down the days until Lady Hiva came home the first week of October. She was home for three days (which we took a whirlwind tour to Oman--see prior post) and then I went to the United States. Tag! You're it!

I went to Utah for another round of cancer treatments. This meant I was in Utah during October and all of the autumn celebrations--the things that Lady Hiva loves! Don't worry,  I did my best to send photos of myself enjoying them...HAHAHA

Lady Hiva and the Muggles went all out in Mumbai with decorations. They made a haunted forest in our entry hall to greet trick-or-treaters. Lucky Dragon wanted to be a baseball player and Koala Bear wanted to be Donald Duck the Ghost. 

The three of them also did the Consulate trunk-or-treat while I went to Beaver and watched the main-street parade of children. 

It was fun that no matter where I went I ran into family and friends! These three and I set off all of the alarms at Walmart as we hugged! HAHA. Apparently they thought I was stealing something! 

I was able to be there and see some amazing friends and family. I could be there for funerals, mission homecomings and farewells, volleyball and football games, and family dinners. 
This little bottle is my new best friend! It goes everywhere with me. It helps me with my toxic love-hate relationship with the sun. HAHA. 
While I was in Utah, I had four different surgeries to remove cancer. Then they did a round of radiation. To say that it hurt puts it mildly! Getting four different face lifts also felt really odd. They cut out the cancer then just stretch your skin to cover the hole. 

The day I did the radiation my first layer of skin kind of just melted off. YIKES!

This was my head covered in the radiation gel and plastic wrapped while it seeped in deeply. Then they radiated my head for 20 minutes while I wore welding level glasses. It was SO intense. I tried to sing to myself while it was happening but it was hard to concentrate, so I chose a song that was easy to recall. The first song that popped into my head was the Star Spangled Banner...but as patriotic and pomp and circumstance as it is, it did not quite help me distract from the pain. Next song that came to mind was Megan Trainer's "I am your mother" Not sure why it was that song, but hey it worked. I do not know all the words so I just kept singing, "I am your mother, you listen to me..." over and over! 

While I was there I supported local sports teams. I even went with Madre to a BYU game. Despite my threats, I did not wear red to the game. (She was VERY stressed that I was going to do that)

To counter balance I took Heather and the girls to a UofU volleyball game. Felt much better to be wearing red!

We also went to Gardner Village and toured around. Things like this made me miss my family. They would have loved to do this with me. 

I went to watch some other nieces play volleyball. Campaigned for the most embarrassing uncle award by making neon signs and holding them in the stands for everyone to see! 

This is my 10 minute parking lot lei! 

While my family was back in Mumbai in the 90 degree 90% humidity, I was in the snow! IT WAS SO COLD! I enjoyed being in the fresh air and nature though. I could not exercise but I could "walk" so I did my "walking" in the mountains! It was totally worth it. 

Lady Hiva had the kids do some Halloween gingerbread houses. I got to watch on facetime while they did it. 

We are so happy to be back in the same country as each other. And that I am done with cancer treatments until January. We will enjoy life as much as possible until then! 

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