August 25, 2024

Our Last Days in Mumbai


One of the greatest aspects of being in the Foreign Service is traveling to new places and meeting new people. However, in a paradox of life, that is also one of the hardest things to do. We will miss friends and it is always hard to say goodbye. It feels like our last few months in Mumbai were full of goodbyes. 

It was hard for all of us to say goodbye to the place we called home and to the people we learned to love while we were there. 

Looking back at the time we were posted to India boiled down into statistics: 
- We visited 24 different countries 
- We visited 8 different Indian states
- We visited 6 different US states
- We took more flights than we can count
- We climbed up to the base of Mount Everest
- We rode in a helicopter (that had to rescue us off the mountain after an earthquake, rain, and mudslides)
- We dealt with cancer treatments
- We dealt with parents dying 
- We had broken bones
- We had odd skin ailments that come from being in unclean water
- We ate delicious food 
- The two Muggles became exceptional piano players and swimmers
- We laughed
- We cried
- We had ups and downs that both brought growth
- We made life long friends whom we will miss
As we walked out the door after saying goodbye to some of our close friends, there were many, many tears. Change is good. But change is hard. 

This door was always the sign our our haven from the world. It was a blessing to live here. 

Santosh was a driver we used often and became a really good friend. He was always so good to us. I learned a lot from his humility and kindness. Over the years we got to know him and his family. We learned where he came from and how he worked hard to support his family, his elderly parents and put his children through good schools He worked to purchase himself a new vehicle to drive for a living.

One lesson I will always remember from him is the day  I noticed that there were some deep scratches on the hood of his new car. I saw it and it stressed me out, I could only imagine that it would stress him out too. I asked him what happened and he told me it was the kids in the village when he was visiting. I asked if it made him mad. He laughed and said, "yes, but it is just a car." So simple, but so powerful. He knew even though this car was his livelihood, those children were more important than his car. 

At work we said goodbye to so many good people who have loved and supported us over the last three years. As I went to say goodbye to the lunchroom staff they all came out to take a photo. It meant so much that they wanted to do that. I truly learned to love each of them and would look forward to seeing their smiling faces each day. 

One day when we were walking in the market area I saw that they were selling hats. I asked if they had them in bulk to buy. I ended up buying 100 of them to give as goodbye gifts to the staff. I cannot tell you how excited I was to do this! It was fun to have them all come to take photos in their new hats with us!

For Lucky Dragon's birthday he wanted to go to Bounce and jump with some friends. It was a fun day to be together and a good way to remember our last few days in Mumbai!~

One of the hardest parts of leaving is saying goodbye to good friends. Thankfully both our Muggles were able to make some amazing friends while we lived in Mumbai. 

This was our last time to attend church in our little branch. 

Our days and nights were filled with spending as much time with friends as we could! 

We made some last minute exploratory trips around the city. We did not really need anything but we also did not have much in the house after they did packout, so we went to explore to pass the time!

One of the places we went  is to explore the venue for the Ambani wedding (the richest man in Asia's son got married...multi-million dollar wedding). It was crazy to see that they transformed a corporate venue facility into a village with facades on both the inside and outside. Complete with giant flower statues of animals. 

The local staff are so amazing! We will miss working with each of them. 

Some of our good friends that are also serving in India! We hope our paths cross again ! 

Looking for some last minute clothes and material. 

Lucky Dragon had a suit made for when he gets the Aaronic Priesthood in January. He chose the material and the color. 

Thank you, Mumbai for the amazing memories! 

1 comment:

  1. Now where are you headed? Some beautiful memories of India!!
