September 04, 2020

Back to School!

 After being home with all together for four of us for 7 months, we are all back to school! Lucky Dragon was the first to go back. We were excited to have him back in school. French Immersion is not as easy when you are meeting via Zoom. He also is such a social guy that he needs that interaction with his peers. 

Lady Hiva started her new semester next. She is going full time and after this semester she will be 3/4 of the way through her masters program! So proud of her. She is nervous for this semester because she is taking employment law class and a leadership class. Both of these subjects I deal with every day and teach every semester. I have to laugh that these classes make her nervous, because she will take some intense science classes like advanced molecular biology but be nervous about a management team! HAHA

Koala Bear started this week. She has been SO nervous about it. When we think about it. her whole life she has NEVER been away from one of the three of us. She is always with one of us. To go to school by herself must be a bit of a change. We have spent the last several weeks talking to her about school and how exciting it will be. We have made a big deal about drop off and pick up so that she will feel comfortable. We have learned with her, she is a brave girl, but sometimes the 'unknown' is more scary than the actual event. Probably true of all of us. 

I am the last one to start. I will be teaching 15 credits this semester. But I am so excited for it. What started out as just a side job teaching college classes has become a part of my life that I really look forward to. I have been on the Learning and Teaching Council the last year and half. This has been a wonderful opportunity to learn from the college administration and get to know all of the faculty. The last few weeks I have been training new faculty as they join the team and use their talents and skills to help students grow. 

It was a wonderful summer, despite COVID trying to upset life as we know it! We have found some creative ways to enjoy life with each other. Here are some highlights that did not make it into other blogs: 

Koala Bear LOVES her fingernail polish and all things glitter! She has recently asked to paint nails with Lady Hiva every morning. She will line them up like this in order...and she remembers the order so she knows if we touch them! 
If you have not watched the new Australian cartoon, Bluey, on Disney+ you need to. Our family loves it! It is entertainment for kids and adults alike. You can see how much our kids like them. This was the diorama that Lucky Dragon set up. He will move them around the house and set them up in different scenes. 

We have been down to ride horses a few times in Beaver with cousins. 

We have found all kinds of reasons to be outside adventuring...including this LARGE bug of some sort. 

Lucky Dragon built this "Nativity Set" all on his own. We loved it. 

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