August 03, 2022

Nepal Post #3: A Birthday In The Clouds


It was this guys official birthday! And we were indeed in the clouds! At this point we were nearly 3,400 meters high, with more we still went the next day to get a better view of the mountains. 

Out guide and his crew heard Koala Bear and I singing "Happy Birthday" To Lucky Dragon at random intervals as we climbed. So they surprised us after dinner in Namche Bazaar with a homemade cake and "Happy Birthday!" They honored Lucky Dragon with a decorative khata and a hat that he has worn almost non-stop since. 

We had a good evening resting and playing cards--of course. And all he wanted to do was finish his Harry Potter Book 2. 

We had a surprise treat when we went to eat Mo-mo (Sherpa version of dumplings/gyoza/mandu) at one of the villager's homes. It was AMAZING. We had is prepared in two different ways. One set fried and the other in a broth. Both were perfect ways to end a long cold and rainy day. 

We were surprised in her home there was a photo of some people in a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I tried to ask her about it with hand mimes and gestures, but was not able to understand who they there and/or why they were on her wall. 

Namche is a larger village way up the mountain. It used to be a larger trading area for Sherpa, Nepali and Tibetans to exchange at a market. They still have a market, but just smaller. It is also a gathering place in high tourist season for trekkers. You can tell that by the many stores. Most of them are shuttered until autumn when more foreigners arrive. 

The next morning we woke up early and climbed higher to get a better view of all the mountains. The clouds would roll in and out so we would get glimpses of them. I was shocked to look down and see how far we had come at over 12,000ft in elevation. Then look up and see that there was another almost the same amount in height up! 

We did it!! 

Lady Hiva wanted to wear this shirt to show what a strong Polynesian woman can accomplish! 

He found this and said that it looks like the rock formation in Radiator Springs in the Disney's Cars franchise. He brought it home with him but I had to throw it out when it started to grow mold. 

This woman was following the cow. You can kind of see in her hand she was collecting its manure as she followed in. She will dry it and use it in winter for fuel to heat her home. 

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