September 09, 2024

Serving Others Is Enjoyable!

We were so excited that we had a chance to do some service this last weekend. Our congregation was doing service out in rural Virginia at a farm. The farm produces food to supplement the food given to food banks around the area. 
At first the Muggles were tired and wanted to sleep in on the Saturday. However, once they were at the farm they had so much fun and did not want to leave. We were the last to drive off and if it had not been for other things that we needed to do and the cold rain, they would have stayed longer. 

We harvested peppers. I was the basket carrier while they picked. Each new pepper came with a story and an amazement at what was produced. 

I think over the few hours we were there these two filled 5 baskets full of peppers!

They were so happy with their efforts and both of them asked if we could come back on another weekend to do it again. It was a great opportunity to talk with them about service and how serving others can be fun! It does not always have to feel like a big sacrifice. 

 I am glad that we all woke and up and decided to go. It has been a highlight of our time back in the States. It also made us all miss our yard and garden...someday we will have that again. 

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