May 17, 2019

A Fun and BusyYear...We Learned Many Things

I cannot believe that it is the end of the school year and it is starting to get into summer...I think the weather forgot though,. We have been inundated with rain and snow still.

We did have a few days of warmer weather though. Enough that we went on our Father's and Son's camp. Lucky Dragon loves this weekend and every year he looks forward to it. We had so much fun! We were able to go on nature "adventures" and see all the spring frogs, fish and crawdads. He is quite the talker. He has also found that he loves to take photos. So as we were talking he would ask for my phone to take a photo. It is amazing how much that they both take to technology.

We started a fire--his favorite thing to do. And he was great help setting up the tent. I love that he is helpful--even at a young age. His interest in life and how things were provide and never ending stream of conversation. Some of the questions he asks even I have never thought about. I have to stop and think of how to answer it--or we use the phone to ask Google. We learn so many things. Tonight we ended up watching You-tube videos of how ice cream sandwiches and candy canes are made. Actually quite fascinating. This guy is teaching me something!

Even though it was a cold evening, it was so much fun to spend time with my little guy.

 Our neighbors, whom both Lucky Dragon and Koala Bear love, have a bunny rabbit they brought over for us to hold. Both of these kids think that was such a fun experience. I keep trying to get Lady Hiva to allow us to get a rabbit...she doesn't think that is a good idea. So until then, we will just visit the neighbor's pets. haha

 Koala Bear is CONSTANTLY on the move. She talks and talks and talks. She has her colors down and her shapes. Her new thing is singing. She is constantly singing around the house. She loves to play a new game of us whistling or humming a tune and she guesses what it is. She is shockingly good at the game too.
 We found some cheap high "princess" heels and she has been wearing them all over the house. Her wide feet do not quite fit into them, so her little toe points out over the edge on both shoes, but she just uses that for balance and does not allow thet to bother her. I am actually impressed out weell she walks and runs in heels.

 This was after Lucky Dragon's last quickball game--we had a short game because it started to freezing rain!!

 Lady Hiva had them doing yoga with a Youtube kids yoga show. Cosmic kids. Lady Hiva was impressed with how well he did. And as always, Koala Bear wants to keep up with her brother.

 This guy loves to read. We love that about him. He reads the scriptures with us at night, he does his reading for school and then we often find him like this reading any other book he can find. Koala Bear is starting that habit too. Her version on reading books is really original and cute as she interprets the photos on the pages.

 It was Kindergarten Graduation today. It was so crazy to see ALL the kids up on the stage and then to realize that this was only the morning half of the kids! There was double that amount in the afternoon! They sang some cute songs and did a slide show of the activiites they did throughout the year. Lucky Dragon had a speaking part. He did really well--he is not shy of the microphone. A few weeks ago he gave a talk in church in front of the whole congregation--without help and told stories of miracles in his life--a talk he "wrote" himself. I was so proud of him. Today he had memorized speech, but he still did not look scared or nervous at all.

"We had a fun and busy year. We learn many things" I though that this was a good mantra for our year too.

 His favorite Lei's are the flowers that smell really strong.Tuberose it is!

 Here is our new addition to the family--Rocket.

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