October 07, 2019

The Burial of Brigham

 I usually go run for lunch. Especially during the summer as it is the best time to enjoy the rays of the sun. This last few weeks have been really busy with some changes at work and I have not been able to go as much. But I wanted to make sure that I was utilizing this amazing weather! So I made of point of going on Friday.

It was a bit windy so instead of running up the canyon as I usually do, I ran around the hills of the "Avenues" in the East part of Salt Lake City. On my way back I ran into a small park nestled inbetween large apartment buildings. I walked in and saw it was the burial place of some of the most prestigious "Saints" that came across the United States and settled in Utah. Among them was Eliza R Snow and William Clayton, authors of some of the most cherished hymns and Brigham Young. Several of his 54 wives are buried there..and one son that the stone proclaims was "Brigham Young's closest son." It made me wonder where the other wives are buried and why these and the one son of the 56 children received this honor.

 The memorial park is beautiful and peaceful. It was also a homage to the early Pioneers that sacrificed life and resources to follow Brigham Young to the Salt Lake Valley. So if you are in Salt Lake City and need a quiet place to rest a bit, look for this little park. It is not far from Temple Square.

 As I continued on, I went into the Cathedral of the Madeline. I have passed it countless times but have never gone in. The outside it beautiful and the inside was just as breathtaking as the many cathedrals in Europe. The stain-glass windows tell so many stories of the Savior and the high pillars hold up an ornately painted ceiling.

As I walked around they were tuning the large organ suspended from the back balcony. It was magical to be in the room and hear it all reverberating off the walls.

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